January 25, 2011

Is Ovarian Cyst Can Affect Your Pregnancy and Baby?

Having an ovarian cyst during your pregnancy is nothing to fear. Base on records it is very limited dilemma to have ovarian cyst and pregnancy at the same time and most of the time it is benign ovarian cyst which is simple to discharge and often times it just discharge naturally.Benign cyst are thinly walled and filled with harmless fluid and is not dangerous.

The doctor will first watch carefully your ovarian cyst regularly until you are in second trimester of your pregnancy.Doctor will monitor you and will not advise immediate surgery since you are pregnant only if the cyst is so big and cancerous. Cancerous ovarian cysts occur only to about 1 from 25,000 pregnant women base on statistics.

Ovarian cysts basically do not give danger to the condition of a pregnant woman unless the cysts grows and breaks apart. Rupture cyst may produce excruciating pain and annoyance throughout the last stages of pregnancy. Women under labor can still be given anesthesia and there are many pain relievers that can be used to ease the pain without negative effects on both mother and child.

Operation can be done only when the cysts become too large and cancerous. Though a operation will not affect the baby and cause any strain on the pregnancy, surgically discharging big ovarian cysts during pregnancy is not recommended only if a rupture occurs. Meanwhile, ovarian cysts bigger than 6 through 8 cm are often operationally removed only if they immediately dissolve over the course of time.

When a pregnant woman is found to have ovarian cysts, doctors will perform an ultrasound combined with other tests just to make sure that the cysts are not malignant. Most ovarian cyst throughout pregnancy are benign and it can quickly discharge by natural method.

Many natural method to lessen ovarian cysts when pregnant are possible by altering what you eat and a whole other bunch of lifestyle aspects that add to the hormonal fluctuations that are the main cause of cyst progress and growth. The food and drinks we intake to our body is the most contributing aspects in increasing ovarian cyst.

Having a surgical operation of discharging ovarian cyst didn’t mean you can’t have an ovarian cyst once more. Proper information and education is the best method to avoid ovarian cyst to appear again. It doesn’t only help you avoid from having ovarian cyst again but also will augment your overall heath situation. Every women should have the education about this ovarian cyst even if they don’t have it yet.

For a complete guide and information in curing ovarian cyst naturally at home you must visit All About Ovarian Cyst.

March 30, 2010

Performing Eczema Treatment at Home

Treating your eczema may vary depending on the kind of eczema you have. For most cases eczema treatment can be pretty easy as just changing your kind of laundry soap you use. Though, for some cases it can be much harder. You may have to move to a whole different place with a better climate or treating your eczema can force you to change your occupation. The key to preventing eczema is finding out what triggers your allergic reaction. Here are a few tips to help you.

Your skin can be very sensitive, so its best to keep it moisturized. To do this, avoid taking cold showers. Take warm showers or baths and moisturize your skin after. Use a lotion or cream that is non-irritating and odorless. Make sure the products you use do not contain any ingredients that may cause an allergic reaction.

When picking out your outfit for the day, try to avoid tight-fitting clothing and things that may make you itch or chafe. As much as possible try to wear light and loose clothes. These are definitely more comfortable and will prevent irritating your sensitive skin.

As much as possible, when your skin is irritated avoid making it worse by scratching. The trick here is to cover it with a dressing or by wearing thick gloves that can lessen the damage from scratching. If you find that you can’t control yourself from scratching that annoying itch, then try to do as lightly as possible or finding ways to protect your skin from self-abrasion.

Another thing that you should also remember is that you shouldn’t exert yourself physically when you’re having a break out. Try not to sweat because it aggravates you’re the areas that are affected by eczema. If you feel like you really have to exercise a lot, try to stick with exercise routines that won’t cause your body to sweat as much. Make your routine as light as possible.

If you have taken all these steps and the situation is not getting any better, then you may not have identified what causes the allergy break outs. The next best thing would be to try and decrease the response from allergic inflammation.

To make the rash disappear you have to apply a few things regularly in a certain number of days. Application of hydrocortisone together with anti-itching lotions is usually what you need. You should try to slather these on as often as you can and until your rash has disappeared completely. Benadryl is also a very effective medication though it does make you really drowsy so you have to make sure you’re not doing anything that will require your full attention.

Clean your rashes with hypoallergenic soap to prevent aggravating it. Always remember to moisturize and lubricate the affected areas after washing. You should try to also stay in relaxed environments. Keep away from any physical or mental stress. Keep a healthy diet and rest a lot. This will help prevent flares.

Eczema treatment at home is easier but it results will show slowly and gradually over time. Just trying to cure your eczema in an instant is nearly impossible and most unlikely. Don’t expect a miracle because treating this can and will definitely take time.

Just hope for the best and continue treating it with this guide and help from a doctor.

March 29, 2010

The Best Sinus Infection Treatment

Having a sinus infection can be a painful experience for almost everyone who has suffered from it. The pain can be severe to the extent of causing disruptions in day-to-day lives of individuals. However, sinus infection treatment can be used to ease the pain.

The root cause behind a sinus infection is an inflammation of the cavities, known as sinuses, present near the nose. These sinuses play the role of evacuating mucus from the nose. However, due to an inflammation of the sinuses, the mucus is trapped inside causing blockages in the nasal membrane. this causes pain and is known as sinusitis.

The symptoms of a sinus infection are pressure around the nose, a tenderness around the eyes and nose, pain in the jaws, headache, and a thick yellow discharge from the nose. These are often accompanied by an earache. Sinuses are present in pairs and there exist four pairs of sinuses. The symptoms and the corresponding treatment are dependent on the sinus area affected.

Thus, while a pain experienced while lowering the head is a symptom of frontal sinusitis, a pain experienced while the head is in the upright position is a sign of maxillary sinusitis. Similarly, while a pain in the lower part of the nose and around the inner corners of the eyes is a symptom of ethmoid sinusitis, a pain experienced while bending forward or lying backwards is a sign of sphenoid sinusitis.

The sinus infection treatment may include antibiotics and prescription drugs. Decongestants and nasal sprays may also be used. But all these have side-effects and are habit forming. In contrast, home remedies for treating sinusitis are natural and free from any side-effects.

Perhaps the easiest sinus infection treatment is to increase the humidity content in the surroundings. This is so because sinus blockages get aggravated due to dry air. This can be achieved by boiling water and sitting in front of it. The water vapors increase the humidity.

Other sinus infection treatments include inhaling steam from a vaporizer, including steam of eucalyptus oil; drinking warm fluids; eating jalapeƱo peppers and applying a paste of ginger mixed with water.

If these sinus infection treatments do not relieve the pain, it is advised to consult a doctor immediately.

March 28, 2010

Myths About Panic Attacks

Misinformation does not only create vague pictures of a condition but will also likely cause people to believe things that do not actually exist. Among those conditions that typically receive serious amounts of myths are psychological and behavioral disorders, partly because psychological conditions are often hard to understand and seem mysterious. In this article, we would try to debug the myths of one of the more common behavioral conditions—panic attacks.

People with panic attacks are crazy. Crazy is never a good term for people with psychological conditions and people with panic attacks are hardly crazy. They may seem deranged and a bit psychotic for some people when they experience attacks of panic and terror but this does not suggest that they are.

As if to add to the insult, people with panic attacks are sometimes perceived to have schizophrenia, the most advanced form of psychosis which is marked by severe auditory and visual hallucination as well as aggravated delusions and dysfunctional thoughts. Clearly, there is no relationship between people who feel like they are "going crazy" when undergoing attacks and people who have advanced (and even minor) psychological conditions. 

People with panic attacks lose control. Wrong. Panic attacks do not rob a person his sense of control. While a person's thoughts may seem distorted for a while during attacks due to physical symptoms that lend themselves towards this possibility such as shortness of breath and heart attack-like symptoms, this does not mean that the person is losing grip of the reality. Anxiety which normally accompanies panic attacks is a body's way to tell you that something is going wrong. Since this is a defense mechanism, it is not dangerous to anyone, not even the person undergoing the panic attack.

It is good to remember that panic attack happens only in the mind, it may, in fact, be unnoticeable for people surrounding the person during the attack. What exacerbates the attack is the person's conscious thought that it could cause embarrassment or harm to other people. It is the sense of losing control of one's self that makes the condition worse, a thought that is manufactured in the brain, never the total lack of sense of control.

People with panic attacks have chronic heart disorders. While this may be partly true due to the link between mitral valve prolapse and panic attacks, this does not make the assertion entirely valid. People have good reasons to believe that they are having heart attacks or heart failures when they experience episodes of panic attacks since some of the symptoms of both conditions are similar. But such symptoms are perfectly rational when seen from the viewpoint of elevated fear.

For example, people subjected under conditions that stimulate fear experience tightening of the chest, faster heart beat, profuse perspiration, shortness of breath and increased respiration. All these signs are also symptoms of heart attacks which make it easy for most people to believe that instead of having a disorder of the mind, they are having dysfunctional hearts. But then again, similarity in symptoms does not make two completely different conditions alike.

Myths often offer a semblance of the reality that is not hard to believe in. But do not be fooled. Knowing what is the exact truth and not the half lies may serve you well when dealing with conditions that root from and are aggravated by thoughts.

March 27, 2010

How You Can Effectively Prevent Kidney Stones

Kidney stones or "urolithiasis" are known to develop in a person's body when there is a collection of materials—such as minerals—to a small stone. These stones are commonly found in the kidney, but there are also those that stay in the ureter or in the bladder. Also called "nephrolithiasis," by physicians, kidney stones can cause a great deal of pain to an individual when it blocks the urine flow. When this is not diagnosed and given proper treatment as soon as possible, it can lead to a several kidney problems that can last for a long time.

Experts agree that one of the most effective means of treating kidney stones is through prevention. Unlike severe diseases and illnesses, kidney stones can easily be prevented if the person will set his or her mind into healthy lifestyle.

More and more studies show that among the primary causes of kidney stones—aside from clinical history, hereditary factor, and medical condition of a person—is unhealthy. This is by living a sedentary life with no regular physical exercise or routine and by eating foods that are not friendly to the kidney.

In order to prevent kidney stones, the first thing that people need to do is to take in lots of fluid, specifically water. Experts agree that the best way to prevent kidney stones is by flushing it out from the system. And what's the best way to do it? By drinking a large amount of liquids, especially water which is free from major impurities.

Taking in lots of water everyday—at least 8 glasses or more—will flush out waste products in the body and can help dilute the minerals or other stone-forming materials such as salts present in the person's urine. For those who are already suffering from kidney stones or those that are prone to it, experts say that they should avoid drinking liquids with other components such as sodas and other juices to avoid the fast formation of kidney stones.

Next is to develop certain modifications in diet. Undeniably, diet plays a huge role in maintaining good health. Keeping the body free from kidney stones will greatly depend on how balanced the diet of that person would be. Majority of kidney stone-sufferers today share the same type of stone—the calcium oxalate stone.

As the name suggests, this type of stone can only be developed with too many calcium intakes. Experts say that for people to veer away from kidney stones, they should cut down on foods that are high in calcium and oxalate such as dairy products including leafy vegetables, soda-colas, cranberries, chocolates, and peanuts.

To avoid developing stones made of salts, people should also avoid meals that have high sodium content. People should focus on eating foods that are high in fiber and should also increase their citric acid or vitamin C intake. By doing this, you can your kidney stones would be dissolved in no time due to the citric properties of citrus.

Lastly, to effectively prevent kidney stones, people who has it or those who are prone to it must take in proper medication. In severe cases of kidney stones, proper medication would help such as thiazide, sodium cellulose phosphate, oral calcium supplement, allopurinol, polycitra K, thiol, D-penicil-lamine, Acetohy-droxamic acid or AHA, and toradol to help relieve kidney pain and reduce the amount of stone-forming materials in the body.